Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Black And Decker Charger Circuit Diagram

Curiosities psychological

There are people who can not forget, there have been reports of people able to remember almost any data or experience an event with only time. These are cases of prodigious memory, which generally involve a tragedy for the sufferer. Forgetting is necessary for our minds evolve.
The ancient Romans when they had to tell the truth in court, instead of swearing on the Bible as at present, they did squeezing his testicles with his right hand. Of this ancient custom comes from the word witness.
The hormone corticosterone, which is secreted in moments of anxiety, is responsible for the sudden loss of memory. This hormone blocks the retrieval of information up to an hour after giving the tense situation. This would explain, for example, that some students are blank on tests. When calm, the brain retrieves the data.
Half of gifted children in the studies fail
Some 8 percent of children in our country have depression and 40 percent suffer from stress.
The brain weighs an average of 1,380 grams and 1,250 men and women. Contains about 100,000 million neurons, approximate number of stars in our galaxy. And its nearly 100 trillion interconnections in series and in parallel provide the physical basis that allows brain function.
70% of the mentally ill are unemployed. The employment rate after discharge is between 10 and 30%, only 10 to 15% maintain their work between 1 and 5 years after discharge. Unemployment is a major index of disability, so that this situation underscores the isolation and stigmatization of the mentally ill in our society.
There are several types of amnesia, retrograde amnesia is the rarest but the most cinematic, it concerned no longer remembers his life before the injury. In contrast, in anterograde amnesia, the most common and severe, the patient remembers the past but can not learn anything new.
There are many other abnormalities of memory, such as prosopagnosia, or inability to remember faces, the déjà vu feeling of having lived something, or hypermnesia, which would point out different things in detail. A classic case of the latter, the psychiatrist referred by Taine, is the illiterate maid reciting (not yet understand) whole paragraphs in Latin, Greek and Hebrew listened to an uncle as a child. Another case of extraordinary mnemonic ability is the Russian reporter Solomon Veniamin, who could learn in seconds and repeat without error, from top to bottom and diagonally huge lists of numbers and words. And the most incredible, weeks, months, even years later, reproduced exactly.
In the year 500 BC C. the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos devised the "points system" to remember the plight of some people. Simonides was at the banquet when he missed short, saving and of being killed by the collapse of the roof, and was the only one to recognize the mangled bodies of those guests to remember where they were sitting. Fakir
A true teacher can do much more spectacular things to bear laying punctures on his bed of nails, although they seem less dramatic. You can, for example, make half of the palm of your hand to warm more than ten degrees the other hand, can stop your heart for a certain time, or reduce their vital signs at least into a state similar to the hibernation of some animals.
The first psychiatric hospital history was built in Baghdad in 792.
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was interested in his youth about drugs, specifically investigated the properties of cocaine. He took the drug in small doses and making self-observations on the effect exerted on hunger, sleep and fatigue. This investigation lasted three years (from 1884 to 1887) and Freud wanted to make a breakthrough in the field of clinical or pathology, but it was not. At first he was fascinated by the fact that cocaine raised the mental and physical vigor, without, apparently, any ill effects. But soon began to appear in medical journals of the time that prolonged use of cocaine could produce a "delirium tremens" very similar to alcohol. The young Freud wanted to benefit humanity with their research and make a name, was accused of having caused a new disease. He also had a painful experience, because believing that cocaine was safe, had prescribed a large amount to a patient who died of it.
The human brain is the one that has more folds of all living things, so if you desplegáramos would be approximately 2 meters, while that of a gorilla, everything and weigh almost the same, to deploy only a quarter of that measured the man.
woman's voice causes depletion in the male brain. According to Professor Michael Hunter, University of Sheffield (UK), the tone of the female voice has more complex sounds than men, so making the entire listening area of \u200b\u200bthe male brain, while the man's voice occupies only subthalamic area. Hence, in many cases, women complain that famines do not listen, because what they do is "disconnect" for a reason purely physiological.
nerve stimuli within the brain are transmitted through neurons, at a speed exceeding 400 kilometers per hour.
Each neuron is responsible for communicating with hundreds or even thousands of neurons in their environment. If placed in a straight line all the neurons in our nervous system would have an area of \u200b\u200bseveral hundred kilometers.


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