Monday, January 31, 2011

Post Graduation Invite For A Farewell Party

Milk, mud and onion

In Orihuela, Alicante province, was born one day Miguel Hernandez, one of the most important poets of English literature and universal, while writing poetry was to be devoted to pasture goats, milking and selling milk in the doorways of the houses of their neighbors.

a goat milking and a dream."

In those years, the milk was sold in a few pots that some youngsters have never come to know and that others have almost forgotten, but whose We mention again bring back memories of some of the words that our grandfathers used to name objects that we did not know but which we learn their names even before knowing their profits, their shapes and sizes: the troughs for kneading bread, baskets hanging from the backs of mules, the wagons in which carrying hay, bowls and basins in which we washed the feet of the children, or to bring the milk dairy.

- What is a dairy, Grandma?
- The container in which the dairy milk brings home.
- The vessel is named by the lady?
- Yes
- Ah!

mean that the milk had to houses in the milk of dairy cows, sheep or goat, depending on the area. When it came to measuring wine, oil or milk capacity measures were not multiples of the liter, but were extraneous measures took their names from the same containers in which the liquids: milk, the pitcher, the barrel, the at sign, the quart, pint or bottle. The milk containers were of tin or copper and is imprinted with a mark of tin along the border to prevent this could be filed down and thus reduce their size and consumer fraud. These vessels carried a very fresh milk may be indigestible today skimmed our stomachs, but we drank all the time and sometimes we ate with a spoon when we were at home with rice milk or fried. Fresh milk consumed in the day and had to be boiled three times to separate the cream, which was available then, if your parents what Curran, butter.

Butter is obtained after beating the cream with a wooden spatula until it was loaded, and then had to keep beating and continue beating and continue beating. After beating both our mothers made butter cookies, cakes and pastry dough, prepared us for tea or slices of bread with butter, they were delicious, or with butter and sugar, or butter and chocolate milk, because then there were the calories as they do now, and if someone told us not we learned. Other days merendábamos urchin sandwich biscuits with butter, sometimes with jam, chocolate, quince paste with condensed milk or condensed milk. We also liked the bimbollos roasted ham or chorizo \u200b\u200bde Pamplona and buttered. If there was no bread with homemade butter oil merendábamos admitted many forms as it could do fried slices of bread or take it as is, in which case it was best to use the pick, remove the crumbs, fill the gap with oil and cover with the crumbs to make a kind of bun oil fraught with salt or sugar. Sometimes they gave us bread basted or Tulip Plants, which was not very far, but we had to resign because they said the ads of the time were very healthy product and very suitable for children. As healthy as sunflower oil, the Eko, solar water and quinine Santa Catalina. As healthy as milk Miguel Hernández milked the goats and then divided by the houses of the residents of Orihuela.

born Miguel in 1910 and died young of tuberculosis, although in reality it was a victim of the massacre that the scheme Franco continued to perform after the war ended to let things clear to everyone. In life acquired a certain prestige and Madrid came to alternate with some of the most famous poets of the time, but during his early youth was goatherd in Orihuela, an avid reader and good student. It was also mud, he told us:

"My name is mud but Miguel call me. Barro
is my profession and my destiny
Staining with his tongue as lame. "

In 1939, just 29 years old, enters a prison from which ever would no longer alive, and where, while waiting for the letters from wife, had time to write verses that might be the deepest and saddest of the twentieth century English poetry, the onion lullabies, nursery rhymes written in response to the plight in which his wife was alone, poor with a newborn son and eating only bread and onions. It onion

which Pablo Neruda dedicated an ode : "I celebrated that exists, onion, but to me you are more beautiful than a bird of dazzling feathers ..." , onions we eat mixed salad with lettuce and tomato, sprinkled with oil and sprinkled with a little salt, the onion fry along with potatoes to make or that we cooked tortilla filled with beautiful was also the protagonist of a lullaby filled with sadness, as if onions were always looking for reasons to make us mourn.

"But your blood sugar frosted
onion and hunger."

I knew the work of Miguel Hernández in 1972, the year Serrat released an album in which they played music to some of his poems. Years earlier had done the same with the verses of Antonio Machado, following the path set by Paco Ibáñez and other English singers who had taken up that appointment, I think Manuel Machado, said that poetry is born to be sung. Antonio Machado disc was an outstanding success but to me it has always seemed a bit uneven, as if the poet's verses and music on separate tracks and, on occasions, those subject, if not exceeded by this. I like the songs on the black disc of Miguel Hernández, because here the music seems to be more synchronized with the verses, to the extent that in some cases might give the impression that both were born simultaneously. In any case, the two poets achieved great popularity with musical versions Serrat. I once heard someone say that in Spain of those years could be considered a person was educated if he knew the works of Antonio Machado and Miguel Hernández before publication Serrat discs with his songs. If that is true I must admit that I was not very religious, partly my fault and partly because the education system from a regime that considered the poet of Orihuela as an enemy of Spain and therefore decided to condemn him to oblivion his work in silence.

I have not heard the album that collects the second installment of the musical versions Serrat has made the poems of Miguel Hernández. Therefore I refrain from saying anything about it, but I can comment, at least, that covers what I considered a gap in the first album, it includes a version of the poem that perhaps my favorite of all his work. This is a verse included in its "last Poems" and relate a present in shade and a bright future hope of inheriting his newborn son, the son of light and shadow. This poem I like playing well as a description of when the couple conceived their child in the midst of a darkness that prompts the body to be thrown on the blanket, on the moon and life, and interlock your bodies and mouths to kiss then raging. Given the thrust of the shadow is useless refuse, because:

"Moving is the sidereal forces shade, shadow
is tending her starry shade, turning
and making bridal couples.
You're the night, my wife. I am noon. "

We ask businessmen and politicians who are imaginative and speech vary from time to time, but instead we do not care that the poets we repeat over and over again the same story. The old story of love, tenderness, sexual impulse, emotion, fear, desire to survive, the need to protect children and to dream a better world for them. The same old story told by Miguel Hernandez in poignant verse, vibrant and fresh. And it is good for sensitive people like Joan Manuel Serrat, we come again to the work of a decent man who was able to write pages of extraordinary beauty in the midst of the terrible fact that he lived. Miguel Hernández. Milk, mud and onion. I find it impossible not to wonder that gives me his name. Miguel Hernández.

Blessed are you, a poet.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Can You Breastfeed With Scarlet Fever ?

Another stupid article about snuff.

Many letters have been received in writing by the Friends of Ligasalsas asking that we clarify our position on the controversy over the smoking ban, a law that took effect in our country Jan. 2 and has been able for the first time in the history of English democracy, mix and stir the ideas of the two main generators of opinion in this country, namely the columnists and pundits of Grupo Prisa and El Mundo and Cope.

In case you have here a pure spirit who is not familiar with them, tell them that the former tend to be quite liberal and are characterized by say with apparent knowledge of the facts of any matter as long as it is not a football match ("is that to me ... football." strike a pose repeated study that seems to mix the flush of have to admit their ignorance in a subject, with some pride motivated by the fact of being on the sidelines of a distraction so mundane). Abusers use that ridiculous fashion on the masculine and feminine to refer to a group, it is assumed that order not to discriminate against women, leading them to say things such as "us and we have reason to be concerned and worried " and other similar atrocities. If they are sexist, racist, homophobic or xenophobic attempt to not be noticed, as well, although they can be amazing you are able to catch him grace Miguel Sebastian, Leire Pajin and even Pepe Blanco. The second, liberal, liberals, what they say liberals are not. Defend, above all, the English, the English sun, English wine, English women, English cheese, the English soldier, brave soldier (in contrast, do not like English cinema since the fat will fall very English players). If you are sexist, racist, homophobic or xenophobic them a damn that they note. Most can not see a gay or painting, though they say in public that the only thing that bothers marriage between same sex are mere semantics. Sympathy for the Pope of Rome and by members of the Episcopal Conference, and instead believe that Zapatero is a fool. Do not stop to criticize what they call "the wave of prohibition that we suffer totalitarian," a term that gave wings that silly Graciet Aznar tried to make fun of a campaign by the General Directorate of Traffic, "But, and who I have told you I want you to drive for me?

In general they are all rather pedantic, so anyone would find it strange to begin speaking at their gathering in a movie of the Romans and the ablative absolute terms explained. But except for the pedantry and any other thing of no great importance, the views of members of a group does not agree at all with the other. Some admire Pilar Bardem, Juan Echanove and Willy Toledo (and even think they are great actors), others despise so much to mock them, and instead applaud Bertin Osborne and Willie Nelson (and even think that they are great singers). A few jokes were made Forges grace and not to others. A few seem ordinary and apricots The Morancos and Sharpener Duo and the other ... well.

But such disparity has changed with the smoking ban. Before her there is no progressive or conservative, you just have smoking and non smoking (also are distributors of outdoor stoves, but that's another story.) There may be a tolerant non-smoker who does not like the law, and may even accept a smoker's excited, but will be exceptions. So we should say some aspect for you to know what to expect before reading.

I no longer smoke. I left one night many years ago in which (as happened to the father of Mafalda) I realized that although I thought I was smoking a cigarette, the cigarette was really the one I was smoking me. I guess the fact is completely irrelevant, but I must say that be in the spring. I quit without counseling, without acupuncture sessions or black magic, without the need for catechesis and spiritual exercises, without receiving even a Christian orientation by my confessor. I did it without patches or nicotine gum, no cigarettes or electronic lollipops, candy sugus without chewing at all times. I did it without extra doses of chocolate or herbal visits to the corner to buy miraculous medicinal herbs. I did not stop drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages. I kept leaving home to avoid the company of my friends who smoke, who continued to smoke insensitive to the anxiety that caused me my new situation. I did not start to practice any sport and I became a Buddhist. I did not have anti-and I joined the new generation of the Partido Popular. I drilled the earlobes and I got a tattoo on your ass. No sleep I stopped smoking not feel like waking, or stopped going to the movies for not wanting to light a cigar at the end of the movie and go out. No change of partner or newspaper. No football team changed (to death with my colors.) I just stopped smoking.

The truth is that enough time had already been thinking. Leaving the snuff is something I think almost all smokers from time to time and for any reason. Maybe because note a tired after climbing a flight of stairs, or because someone you know has been diagnosed with lung cancer, or because coughing a lot in the morning when you wake up, as happened to Serrat:

"I light a cigarette and another one ...

One of these days I consider

seriously quit

for this cough that I get when I wake up ... .. "

can be raised at any time a year but more often than you do when approaching Christmas and we all began to make plans for New Year's absurd, I'm going to get along with my brothers, I will order my drawers, I will lose weight, I'll start breakfast Danone Activia as Jose Coronado, I will enroll in a gym, I'll buy a treadmill, I'll quit ... But the moment that these good intentions begin to have more chance of success is when we begin to notice symptoms that herald the approach of old age.

To realize we get older we need to look a bit of ourselves and others. We must attend to small details. A small detail, for example, that we spend an evening with friends talking about Bonanza, the Superagente 86, Joe Rigoli and the San Remo festival. Or someone asks us where we were the day when the man reached the moon. Or we know who is Patxi Andión or Uri Geller. Or that all we like chicks that have more than forty years (well, more than thirty-five, in short, more than thirty, no recess or a year). Or horrified to discover that we know the lyrics to the songs of Mari Trini, of Youth and Trio Los Panchos (if also knows Georgie Dann and more worryingly, in addition you are a tacky old). Or if we realize that it makes us very heavy going into the field to watch the game, and decided it best we see on TV, more warm than at home is not anywhere (though that I do not happens to me, hey, I to death with my colors.) Or if we find that we have become weaklings of men who hated El Fary, and they put a lump in the throat with Perales lyrics or suffer unexpected attacks of emotion in restaurants (emotion then value in blogs Gourmet, for example, with a note of an eight point five). In short, many details. We could also include the fact that they are more irritable and bad tempered, which can lead us to become increasingly radical in our tastes and our views. Irritability that can lead us to say, for example, that rap is a boring, Esteban Bethlehem is a fool, or who could sit twice threshold or the blandness of the pivot (or is the double pivot and threshold the blandness?, is that sometimes I do mess up the names of things). We can carry ranting government, and thereafter, abhor the opposition. You can even make us feel like hitting enter an kick in the balls to some asshole out there that run at large (eg Sanchez Drago).

not say we do not give clues. If they start to see any of these symptoms or other similar, perhaps there is now time to stop the snuff. If so do not worry: it's not that hard. As I said, I left him a spring night many years ago. Until that time I had spent my life looking for excuses to delay the decision. In the cold winter and in summer by the heat. In spring and fall forward, an offshoot. You, me, moon, sun, her, him, rose, carnation ... But I quit. And that I was a smoker unbearable, an ashtray with legs unable to distinguish red wine, Pepsi Cola, one of those who smoke between drinks, between courses, and dust and dust (that's saying a joke very funny and older than Carracuca: - "And you smoke dust and dust?" - "Yes, some twenty or thirty cards" ). I smoked a cigar and a cigarette and a cigar, as well as Javier Krahe:

"Another cigarette that is not yet

the one after.

is previous

that is why I emphasize.

Thank snuff "

Hell, what guy!, He thanked the snuff. I never got to be so grateful.

Anyway, I'm rolling too. What you expect is that they clarify My opinion on all aspects of this law so controversial and so to say that I'ma wise or a cocoon, as matching or not my ideas with theirs. If you are you will love that glorifies smoking calls for disobedience of those guys who do not believe he had never seen the greatest social injustice of not allowing smoking in bars, and apetecerá reread them once again, already No more bans, which were first whitebait, then plastic bags Carrefour, the snuff now and as things continue well, next year we will ban polvorones and nougat nougat or, for that matter, the smelly perfumes that lead some women and also upset a lot. If not, they like to say that when some speak of "forbidden to forbid," what is actually meant was "forbidden to forbid the things I like, and applaud all sensible arguments can be offered here health and cause harm to passive smokers. But I will not do neither one thing nor the other. I thought that instead of giving my opinion, I guess nothing will not mind (and also rather be watching me and duster), the better to devote ourselves to find answers in the lyrics of our songs rich melting pot wisdom, to see what we draw conclusions.

start with a surprise since, although in general seems to be accepted that smoking is unhealthy, there are those who believe that snuff has its advantages, as we clear the mind and helps us think more clearly :

"I'll stop on the road,

and what does a cigarette

I think in these years;

everything that has happened to me ....

Dan dubi dubi dubi give bambera

And the rabbit out of a magician's hat "

Others go further and, contrary to what health authorities warn, argue that the snuff helps prolong the life and sleep:

"And while I smoke,

consumption my life

because the smoke floating

ground me numb ... "

not to mention the pleasure it provides:

"Smoking is a pleasure

great, sensual."

Pleasure that can become a passion, in delirium, rapture and ecstasy:

"Give me smoke in your mouth

Anda, which well I go crazy "

A divine delight to a capacity of seduction not escape famous doctors, great artists and heads of government. Not even God himself, who smokes cigars, even at night:

"Dieu est un fumeur Havana

je vois ses nuages \u200b\u200b gray

je sais qu'il smoke même la nuit

comme moi ma chérie "

The reasons why people smoke are inscrutable, like the ways of the Lord. Some smoke to relieve cold:

"When I wake up with cold

to light a cigarette rod

and I love the face

with cigar "

Others because they feel good about the visual effect that smoke provokes in his innocent face and melancholy. That was wrong, for example, Banacek:

"That comes with your car so powerful.

him come with his driver as prudent.

him come there to see what the guy.

That brings the face of innocent

and lit cigar. "

Some because they think that snuff may be a good substitute sex, and so that half a loaf is better than none, in the absence of our regular partners may also be better and cheaper to spend the night in cigarette smoking before going out there to visit brothels and such and such:

"I thought looking for love in other arms,

other night but I waited,

another night without you

that increased my pain,

cigar in cigar

ash and smoke in my heart. "

That go for the life of smoking in cigar and filling the heart of ash and smoke must be fatal to health, although many seem not to care and prefer to live the carefree life:

"Vivo cancer one step

without them case

which I say" eh, Sabina "

beware with nicotine. "

But for being so reckless end span of a heart attack, it is clear that the responsibility is all ours, let's not go throwing around the blame poor cigar:

"Poor my cigar,

one day you are to blame,

when the weary heart,

is Sleep your compass "

Others are more proactive and advise practicing healthy habits and morally blameless: to drive carefully, do not go to casinos, away from the smoking of cigars and wear a special kind of hair gel:

Ponte uncombed hair gel that you do not

the breeze of freedom.

founded a home in the naked light I saw

king but security.

Avoid smoke cigars,


If you want to live a hundred years

Getting a chance "

course. If we want to live a hundred years we must start thinking about quitting (unless we are Santiago Carrillo), but if we lack the will to do so, Please do not occur to us now turn to look the other way and blame our partner:

"When I'm with smoke incessantly,

I do not know why so much smoke.

your fault that I smoke therefore

be like smoke your strong hugs

cuidadin, cuidadin, that if we in this plan we will have safe tan (unless, of course, that our partner is a ruthless person takes pleasure seeing suffering, and obliges us to fall again and again in the habit of snuff to fend off this So the memory of our tortured mind, and to find so, if only for a brief moment of happiness, ever so brief and fleeting):

"with a cigarette I am happy

and watching the smoke I miss you.

I know smoke I know smoke

cigarettes I smoke "

Others refute the snuff-forgotten equation and argue that, on the contrary, for straws what they serve is to remember things better:

"A smell of snuff and Chanel

reminds me of the smell of your skin"

And as they serve to remind us of our bf also We can lead the evocation of our country, although the latter only if we light the cigarette in a foreign land to which we will have arrived on board a sailing boat:

"Amid smoke forming snuff,

sees the distant and hazy old country,

where a hot afternoon, golden

out with all sails, left the brig ... "

So what shall we meet? "The snuff is good to remember or to forget? Although the doctrine can not reach an agreement on this point, it seems that if you really try, we can get forget the perfidious love, because of our pain and our grief, without having to empty a lot of packages Ducados:

"No need to smoke a thousand cigarettes

there is no need to burn the TV

should not fall to the bottom of the sea

to forget "

not have to burn the TV, thank goodness! The truth is that it is a more tranquil. But do not let your guard down because there is always the risk of emergence of a friend golfers to propose a good spree (spree almost certainly touch us pay), with the intention of helping to kill penalties before we kill penalties us

"Come, be happy buddy,

they're going to kill penalties.

Let us have a drink,

that tonight is the most good.

Snuff and rum.

Snuff and rum

Well, not always. Some people shy and unsociable that shows no willingness to interact with others and so, without companions or close relatives consoled him, it must stop talking to her only friend, who is none other than his cigarette:

"Last night I was talking with my cigarette

and the finish left me sighing thinking

sad that in this verse, which is the world we live

only he is leaving me as the only friend. "

But this has already been done. From now on if we have a serious talk with our cigarette so sad about the world in which we live in luck, you'd better stay at home because:

"At the wedding of my premium, non-smoking

the tavern, in the bar, no smoking

during office hours, you can not smoke

He says the minister, non-smoking

What the law says you can not smoke

He says the King, non-smoking "

Look you! Such conversation without coming to any final site and have had to come the Mojinos Escozios to let us all be clear.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Route Finder On Foot Aa

Lights and shadows on the bouillabaisse

First things first. In Spain for sixty years is not it difficult to eat well, it was hard to eat. Tradition gastronóimco entertainment was nonexistent for most. We came from little, almost nothing, just a few restaurants to suit people from a lot of money. The first notable developments came in the late 70's, a few entrepreneurs and chefs, the new Basque cuisine, "adopted and transformed the French nouvelle cuisine. The Michelin guide , lazily as usual, began to recognize Arzak, Subijana Oyarbide and Merino. Just a few dozen references in Spain.

Then came Adriá to change everything so drastically. The conception of the experience suffered a dramatic change when he set a single menu. But not a tasting menu of eight or ten dishes, such as those that existed in the French haute cuisine, but a menu of small bites, almost 40. A long series of creative tapas, deployment requires a huge effort in the kitchen and living room that probably has only been seen and will see in El Bulli.

In 2007, the crisis exploded. The creative cuisine restaurants had grown over the past fifteen years like mushrooms across the country but unfortunately its business model proved unsustainable for many of them. The excessive complexity and cost of the prescription hampered economic performance in an age where customers willing to pay over 80 euros for a tasting menu dwindled. "The natural solution? - Is that "natural? -: Create businesses to exploit alternative to the brand were born gastrobares .

The concept is simple: we in the media day in, day out, there is a tradition for tapas, and we know the products work better than traditional bars, the costs are much lower than in a restaurant and the result surprise, in that we are good- a large majority of customers. It would, finally, the link between the middle class who had never set foot in a restaurant with creative cuisine and the English gastronomic big bang. One way to capitalize achieved prestige of sacrifice and talent base that seemed to be diluted at the same rate at which Standard & Poors devalues \u200b\u200bthe qualification of the English economy. An exit to survive.

As you know, I have defended against all odds gastrobares. I always thought that most English bars offer a tiny product: Burnt oil, lack of training in the kitchen and a deal ... in short, a direct treatment. The gastrobares would be a stylized version of the tavern, bar 2.0 would solve all these problems. Unfortunately, experience is showing us that things are more complicated.

The first problem is the price . I see my friends in football, mahou mus and spend more than 30 euros per person for eating tapas. They are also clumsy people are accustomed to a shot of brandy The Sharpener free with the cake of Santiago del Lidl. The second is the lack of definition of , or rather comparative elements with concepts that we seized is it a restaurant? Is it a bar? Neither one thing nor the other. Bare tables, stools in many cases, service in a hit-and-bar, boundary conditions are not especially comfortable for the price at which we move. The third is that a bar has its own rules, no reserves, people come in droves or fails, he wants his food over the bar in haste. When cooking with some finesse and the microwave is taboo, not readily available "here you rascal, here I'll kill you." Waiting times are longer . The fourth is that in a fine dining restaurant serves 300 to 400 dishes for four hours a bar of this type that works the numbers grow exponentially, probably thousands of more or less sophisticated snacks throughout the day. The tension is going to be brutal, a trainee chef crusher, obviously, do not expect the employer for the kitchen that should be able to get some regularity and excellence at full speed. I do not think that would satisfy those customers who hope to eat at the same level as in restaurants for less money home . Finally, he begins to have many gastrobares , neotabernas or as we like to call. The competition will be tough and it is impossible to be the regular customer restaurants which fill-in sheer volume, "we must reach a wider audience .

I have no doubt that the very strength of the brand "English creative cuisine," will drive this business for a few months. The element of surprise, novelty. Another very different thing is it is something that can endure over time. The gastrobares are challenged to differentiate themselves from the traditional bar and restaurant quality by price, limbo if you are not competitive in both areas. And after all, the life bars are the reflection of a society, have sawdust, paper napkins, toothpicks and serve Carajillo and sun because we like them, are adapted to our customs and pockets as our ass to the chair in which we see on TV. In the coming years we will see if this great mass of the target now cooks English leading the battered middle class, an increasingly impoverished Spain-buy idea. There are play rooms.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thickchunky Cervical Mucus


"This soup up the dead," they said in my house when it was served in a large soup tureen one chicken livers. One of the things I miss in haute cuisine are soups. Who knows if it's because at first glance may seem vulgar or because they allow creative excesses, usually as close as we a good stock-word horrible when used to talk about wine is one of those exaggerated reductions that accompanied the meat.

Among my favorites is the bouillabaisse, the French term Hispanicized boullabaisse is not more than the union of verbs Bouille -boil-and-cut abaisser. A kettle of fish sailor rock, Marseille home with dozens of variants, in which the only prerequisite is, according to Larousse Gastronomique is the use of the scorpion, Scorpaena scrofa ", ie the scorpionfish. It is no coincidence that the use of this fish, an ugly and full of animal thorns that attracts little to work in the kitchen other than not cooking it to get the juice.

So to feed two people in a big pot itch an onion, two cloves of garlic and some celery very finely and poached in olive oil. Add half a kilo of trash fish, heads and spines of the fish mentioned below and scorpionfish, stoking the fire to toast in the bottom of the pot. Before we toasted too much cover with water, leaving to cook slowly, say one hour, during which scum and clean of impurities. Colaremos what-if we have a Superbag the better-and if we clarify it fine and we will remove the fat excess. In another pot

proceed to poach other onion and two garlic cloves, which add a bouquet garni and a little garlic. Add a diced tomato cut into -blanching to remove the skin and finely cut, and after just one minute from heat, cover with our fish stock. Once it starts to boil again, add the spines of the noble fish perfectly boned and cut into similar sizes, thicknesses, if possible, and seafood. My favorite is undoubtedly the San Pedro, in any case enough flavor-fish discarded by both the farmed-like mullet or eel. In a few drops of boiling water, we will open mussels Rocky and straining the juice loose, add it to our pot.

Fry a few slices of white bread and will have at the bottom of the dish. On these croutons pour a rouille - its translation is "rust", "rust" - which can be many things, but in my house is an olive oil mayonnaise with a little garlic bleached meat ñora mullets' livers cooked briefly and half a dozen saffron, although it could be replaced this emulsion by an aioli flavored as you like best. Finally serve the soup, almost boiling over bread and serve curruscos the cleaned fish and mussels in another source.

Of course this recipe is inaccurate, or rather, not the one used in Marseille or in Martigues, shrines of the plate. It is simply a delicious version with ingredients in January 2011 and in Madrid are available in the market more or less straightforward. Thus, it is time to shout the " a table! " and have fun watching the dishes they smoke, the lenses of his glasses fog up and burn more anxious.