"This soup up the dead," they said in my house when it was served in a large soup tureen one chicken livers. One of the things I miss in haute cuisine are soups. Who knows if it's because at first glance may seem vulgar or because they allow creative excesses, usually as close as we a good stock-word horrible when used to talk about wine is one of those exaggerated reductions that accompanied the meat.
Among my favorites is the bouillabaisse, the French term Hispanicized boullabaisse is not more than the union of verbs Bouille -boil-and-cut abaisser. A kettle of fish sailor rock, Marseille home with dozens of variants, in which the only prerequisite is, according to Larousse Gastronomique is the use of the scorpion, Scorpaena scrofa ", ie the scorpionfish. It is no coincidence that the use of this fish, an ugly and full of animal thorns that attracts little to work in the kitchen other than not cooking it to get the juice.
So to feed two people in a big pot itch an onion, two cloves of garlic and some celery very finely and poached in olive oil. Add half a kilo of trash fish, heads and spines of the fish mentioned below and scorpionfish, stoking the fire to toast in the bottom of the pot. Before we toasted too much cover with water, leaving to cook slowly, say one hour, during which scum and clean of impurities. Colaremos what-if we have a Superbag the better-and if we clarify it fine and we will remove the fat excess. In another pot
proceed to poach other onion and two garlic cloves, which add a bouquet garni and a little garlic. Add a diced tomato cut into -blanching to remove the skin and finely cut, and after just one minute from heat, cover with our fish stock. Once it starts to boil again, add the spines of the noble fish perfectly boned and cut into similar sizes, thicknesses, if possible, and seafood. My favorite is undoubtedly the San Pedro, in any case enough flavor-fish discarded by both the farmed-like mullet or eel. In a few drops of boiling water, we will open mussels Rocky and straining the juice loose, add it to our pot.
Fry a few slices of white bread and will have at the bottom of the dish. On these croutons pour a rouille - its translation is "rust", "rust" - which can be many things, but in my house is an olive oil mayonnaise with a little garlic bleached meat ñora mullets' livers cooked briefly and half a dozen saffron, although it could be replaced this emulsion by an aioli flavored as you like best. Finally serve the soup, almost boiling over bread and serve curruscos the cleaned fish and mussels in another source.
Of course this recipe is inaccurate, or rather, not the one used in Marseille or in Martigues, shrines of the plate. It is simply a delicious version with ingredients in January 2011 and in Madrid are available in the market more or less straightforward. Thus, it is time to shout the " a table! " and have fun watching the dishes they smoke, the lenses of his glasses fog up and burn more anxious.
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