Enter my kitchen had become a hell. In just 10 square meters piled dozens of pots, most of them useless. Espumero siphon, wok going through a cast iron fondue, the Silpat or a phallic-looking tome to warm sausages. Even the microwave, large and cornered, degraded milk heater, disturbing me with their presence. This crisis
gastroexistencial surely had to do with my own evolution as a cook. I realized that more needed less to cook and me these sophisticated instruments began to seem silly to gastroesnobs . Terrified I thought that phrase could sign my mother, so I think twice, redecorating my life and my kitchen and started to collect those gadgets that actually used, which lead me to a desert island, with which it can to open a mine or shave my dog. In short, my gastromusts .
- Casserole Le Creuset Cast Iron : A capacitor of heat, temperature stable, can get even cooking, the famous chup-chup. Worth a bundle, but any gastrobloguero know you can get enough Discounted Price in Ventaprivada Buyvip or if you have a little patience to wait for the opportunity.
- fine mesh strainer Lacor : The brand does not matter much, but the thickness of the mesh itself. I use it for everything, remove the residual water to the canned tomatoes and salad, drain the pasta once cooked or pass the cream of potato to leave as fine as Robuchon.
- Arcos potato peeler: The taste of my in-laws imposed by the potato in my daily operations a tool that would allow me to process potatoes at full speed. With this little instrument Fan 3 potatoes per minute, which is a record if we consider with a knife -1 potato ratio would be reversed every three minutes. Galician basic perimeter and family.
- cutting boards Legitim Ikea : From a permanent material, are easy to clean and are worth two euros. Little more can you say except the fact of having two can afford to have lost one thing that happens to me often.
- cooker Magefesa : In my early days as a chef, my principles would not let me use it, but a sudden loss of purchasing power, higher electricity insidious and regret and suspicion that some funds and oxtail dishes, "do not lose too much or are directly better, made me reflect on the gastroconcepto -one that emanates from the gastrofilosofía and lead to gastrotrascendencia and gastroherencia both - with a notable influence on my culinary techniques, including use of the express.
- corkscrew claws : After testing all possible versions of a corkscrew, I found this kind of enoforceps . Easily removed bottle caps of any age without destroying them. A must for wine lovers of a certain age and to amaze the people princesses bathed in romantic dinners Marqués de Cáceres rosé.
- lace knife arches and onion- : In sharp enough, well balanced weight-base for a knife, do not have the same quality as a ceramic knife or, of course, that these wonders of Japanese knives would cut a hair in the air. However they are well priced and avoid the risk of cutting a finger on the slightest mistake. For stoves not especially skilled.
- Vacuum packing Lay: This study. Although the percentage of vacuum achieved is poor, do not believe that more than 98% - I would be very difficult to distinguish between fresh fish and other frozen and vacuum packed with the pileup, on the other side reasonably cheap, about 80 euros. Suitable for those who purchase fish on Saturday all week and for connoisseurs who buy large pieces or quantities impossible to consume in one sitting.
- Kologn Kitchen Scale: A progressive afrancesamiento leads me to measure everything that echo in the pan. Basic pastry and bakery and aversions to improvisation.
- Mastrad temperature sensor : I could not make me not a steak without the probe, if it had sufficient accuracy would use to take my temperature for myself. The Mastrad is considerably more expensive than Ikea vs -35 euros. 7 euros, "but much more robust, accurate. It allows to measure even the temperature of boiling oil without fear of breaking-of Ikea and took a couple of casualties. Essential for the paranoid firing points among those who I am.
Needless to say, my kitchen became a friendly place, a minimalist, almost feng-shui. Because finally, after all, what else is the Thermomix but a blender with heat, nothing can be done with a pan, Moulinex and a fine sieve.
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