calluses gently and legs of veal under the tap,
grossly hash hair and vegetables to the cooking bag,
in an iron pot of meat and we introduce boiling
to a boil removed the water and back to cover and boil
along with the vegetables.
not used to speaking of paint in the dining blogs, nor are we doing today me God forbid, but if we pass sideways Dining Scene costumbristas.Una genre scene inevitably leads me to recreate in my mind dining scenes in Madrid, but do not occur in Madrid, perhaps because I live here and because I believe that Velazquez had painted "Old Woman Cooking Eggs" in the town and court, though he painted in Seville is a madrileñísima scene worthy of Perez Galdos and Baroja. Boil
for three hours over low heat and it's time to prepare
use a sauce and sausages, but also the idea comes, oil
virgin olive fry a handful of almonds, which are well toasted,
chop a good handful of fresh parsley and roast a few strands of saffron.
The scene I liked from small gourds to the right, "wine and vinegar?, Mortar, metal, I guess a luxury for the time where still unaware of the benefits of yellow mortar, I guess too.
red onion, the dish with the knife, which seem to be a few pieces of dry chorizo \u200b\u200bpepper, a child with a bottle of oil "? and a beautiful pumpkin. More data for the gourmet observer, the stove where the pot rests is more like a bowl of rail, it seems that the Golden Age was technically very advanced, but mostly I have always called attention to the fact that there is frying eggs, are cooking at low temperatura.Todo above makes me think, a lot.
In a mortar, yellow of course, Crush the almonds, parsley,
a garlic and saffron to make a paste as thin as possible, flour
de almendras , que desleímos con un poco de vino añejo.En la sarten sofreímos
una cebolla picada e incorporamos el majado, dejamos reducir lo mas posible.
Lo que me da que pensar, o me gusta pensar mejor dicho, es que mas que una escena cotidiana el cuadro rinde homenaje a una gran cocinera, me gusta pensar que la vieja permitió que Velazquez la reflejase justo en el momento en que ponía en práctica una idea, una idea genial desde el punto de vista gastronómico. Me gusta pensar que el siguiente paso del cuadro hubiese sido el de la vieja troceando finamente la cebolla, sobre la que colocaría los huevos, y que en ese mismo aceite firing would raise the fire to fry the chopped pepper and squirt of vinegar, then scatter over the eggs and finally break the yolks just tempered with thin slices of pumpkin.
dilute the contents of the pan with a ladle of the cooking liquid and
incorporated it into the pot along with a beautiful dry chilli and a clove of
half hour and cook especia.Dejamos a rest at least two hours.
When serving sprinkle with plenty of chopped hard-boiled egg yolk.
I hope you'll agree with me that the picture improves considerably, we can dream that the old had ideas and wanted to record them, immortalized and that point was great, create recipes from his posado.Seguro which is also had thought of the idea of \u200b\u200b "Corns on pepitoria" looking only products, from a still life of a genre scene of an idea.
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