These situations, when they occurred, were promptly published in the daily press, by greed morbid awakening, and unfortunately continues to draw, any news related to a person with mental illness.
reproduce below the loose published by the newspaper Barcelona "La Vanguardia", in June 1934
"Stopping a DeMent
In the neighborhood of Santa Eulalia, Hospitalet, was yesterday arrested by a couple of guards to assault an individual who, pretending to be dedicated police officer to ask for the documentation to everyone he met.
taken to the police station, said his name was Augustine Relat Subirana, 42 years old, a native of Balsareny and pharmaceutical profession. He also hinted that he was confined in the Asylum of Saint Baudilio de Llobregat from which he escaped.
telephone advice to the director of that insane asylum, sent staff to took care of the poor insane " (1)
(1) " La Vanguardia ". Tuesday, June 24, 1934. Page 6
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