there are numerous literature provides accounts of floods in recent centuries have suffered these populations, and Sant Boi de Llobregat has always been, along with El Prat de Llobregat, in the most affected, possibly because they are situated in the final leg of their journey, before emptying into the sea.
The Hospitaller Brothers of the Order of San Juan de Dios and Congregation of the Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus arrived in Sant Boi de Llobregat on 25 September 1895 to take charge of mental hospitals, since the death of he was the founder, director and owner, Dr. Antonio Pujadas and Mayans, was managed by a Board of Creditors. And having spent more than two years after his arrival, showed his human virtues, not only in the care of mentally ill persons who attended, but also providing relief to the neighborhood of their environment when circumstances made it necessary.
On 15 January 1898 floods caused by heavy rainstorms devastated many towns in Catalonia, including Sant Boi de Llobregat. And the brothers, sisters and staff of the Asylum, lent his support to the affected neighborhood. A few days later, these same neighbors sent a letter of appreciation to Barcelona newspaper La Vanguardia, who published as "Letters to Director." Given its interest, then transcribed.
"Mr Director of The Vanguard.
I hope your kindness will push to these lines, giving thanks to you early.
Sir, The ninety-odd residents of Calle Duque de la Victoria (1) extremely grateful to the religious orders of the Brothers of St. John of God Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and B . Virgin Mary, believed a duty to make public their gratitude.
terrible night in the current 15, the brothers, sisters and staff of the Asylum, with a love copy multiplied to provide assistance to these unfortunate residents who subscribe. At ten p.m. rescue work began setting out the cars of a ladder taking down the balcony to the unfortunates who had their homes flooded. The first to arrive at the goal of the Asylum welcomed with joy in the midst of so much pain, to which they arrived.
was a sublime picture, touching and showed the greatness of heart of these religious, more steeped in the habits, without regard to their safety or his health, worried at the thought of saving the lives and interests for others, being his only motto charity. What a beautiful and sublime picture to see the Father vice-prior to water waist and one patient in the arms, and the mother superior and some sisters charged with children of tender age!.
sought not only for our lives, but also as we were coming facilitated us to change clothes we wore wet for four days and have assisted us with abundant food, good bed and comfortably meet all our needs.
Having received so much benefit from these hospitals and charitable brothers and sisters, we thank them all and in particular to the Father Prior, with an activity and zeal worthy of all praise, organized the rescue giving orders and regulations so we are not missing anything at all.
God bless you and grant them the grace to continue these works of mercy and be assured of eternal gratitude of the signatories for favors received.
Representing and approved by all the neighbors, Ignacio Salvado, Jose Hugas, Felipe Porchet, Teresa Rós, José Closa, Serole José Manuel Solanes, Quiteria Hugas, Ciriaca Julia, Ramon Parés, etc. " ( 2)
(1) Current Street Dr. Antoni Pujadas i Mayans
(2) "La Vanguardia". January 21, 1898. Page 2
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