Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coques Iphone Fox Riders

rock Indigestion kalimotxero

The Beatles fucking problem is what they were, or even what they represented or now, and distorted, mean, but in the interpretations (maybe wrong but certainly not terrible) that have resulted. One day, probably smoked or already deified by the crowd drooling and shrill girls, hippies and pseudo-intellectuals, said they were more bigger than Jesus Christ. What seems is that they were just misunderstood and Inquisitions, Vatican and consecrated hosts apart, the consequences have been very harmful.
guess you should admit that this is because they really were very good, that really changed the meaning and motivations of pop music, which undoubtedly renewed innovation in school and who left great songs and, in my opinion at least two previous albums. However, even without fault, bad influence can be applied to almost anything: the circus of the star-system, the easy pop or the worst of psychedelia and, especially, the absolute permissiveness fussiness. But now I just want to blame the paralysis of Liverpool music critics in Spain.

The Beatles are a model and paradigm, not from their best albums, but, as always, since their separation, and are also the yardstick for each disk and each group of everything that is not punk. And thirty-odd years after this is serious.
do not know whether particular but of course this happens in Spain and criticism is very forgiving and flattering to normal discs, predictable and lazy to just keep a musical tradition that view by maintaining letters turned into topics and still insistent on a excessive fussiness. I could give dozens of examples but it is something to touch the ball for nothing ... Maybe another day.
On the contrary, everything that moves away from this trend so busy is neglected or ignored, such as the English urban rock, still impaired as a "rock kalimotxero" and the pen did not learn until, twelve years ago The phenomenon of "Agila" exploded in his face. For a long time that Leno had spread to the utter indifference and despite the time elapsed was still absolute ignorance, blatant (eg always made me laugh critical constant repetition of "in the path of Extremoduro, Platero y Reincidentes" three groups that can not be further apart.)

The most TV and radio, as we all know than to inform the groups are advocacy tools to help up to some chosen, properly designed or remodeled from the record. It's logical. We will not ask the general media to inquire into dens or listen to demos, but in this case seems to be some extraordinary effort or blindness not to learn a musical that takes many years established. And in the case of Extremoduro no longer fun surprise to a group of 96 good and original from the beginning, and with five albums and a clear success in the big picture alternative. It is not surprising as his clear direct response in the wine as follows: get out to take the ass, hear.
The pie continues: this year alone the phenomenon of Viña Rock has appeared on TV and I hope that is designated as worthy of massive assistance to Extremus. But the trouble is that music magazines also good in my opinion, and clearly independent will seem to have a grudge against the ongoing urban English rock. One should remember that in pop music is, perhaps along with the rumba, the only style we have not plagiarized directly from the whites. And despite this marginalization persists. Extremoduro
now are regarded as sacred and lost direct Hardwood recommended (rightly) everywhere. Before this change a surprised ex-loggers declared in a recent interview: "hallucinate because if the press and the record we had been treated then as now, we had not separated." This is logical only hold it against them.

is true that the influence of Wood and especially Extreme overweight in many groups that are constantly repeating melodies, riffs, themes or verses (spring, flowers and "your hole," to quote a favorite holes, mostly) while imitating the voice of their idols trying to put more hoarse, like a foolish child who has left home alone. It is true that there is little originality in the majority and we need a renewal. General. And quick. But there are many others from the urban rock sack head removed more than worthy to his own history. And this does not look or want to see. However it continues to praise the way that is both Beatle or more predictable melodies, vocal harmonies, themes and verses (love, loneliness, clouds, sunrise) when the English pop also in need of renovation. Fast. General. And urgent. However not critical to insult both the Brit-pop, a phenomenon also with narrow margins to the point that it identifies a few seconds and can be mistaken for one group against another in a listening distracted. But for some strange reason does not seem so bad. Is not as monotonous plagiarizing plagiarizing Oasis Extreme and may well go the way of the Kinks for 8 disks but not to approach or slightly Barricada. Explain it to me, listen.

Finally, the last few years the internet is becoming the alternative means to deliver music or information to media groups that could not more, well, general. Extreme also long, but also La Polla o Soft, demonstrated that they can sell records and above all to hundreds of concerts without ever appearing on TV or playing on the 40. But now, increasingly strengthened hereby and many simply do not want to resort to interviews laminated or programs where do the monkey. Just do not.
The urban rock, with their strengths and weaknesses, has a loyal following and has left behind, at least in part, constant fussiness, but fall into other defects. And he has learned how to live outside the media. Now that you are 12 years of the publication of "Agila", at least officially, marked a before and after can take stock. And it does not take very much alive to see that the number of visits with certain websites and with the gradual proliferation of festival-goers in the Vine and Extremus seems that once again something will blow on the head of the critics. Hopefully now awake. For your sake.
are not going to have to send back to take the ass.


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