Ahora que el rock urbano ha muerto, podemos optar por diferentes soluciones. La clásica es la supuesta "evolución" que ha habido siempre: el cantante de un grupo se va en solitario, hace canciones más lentas, menos guitarreras y supuestamente más personales. A algunos les gusta más, a otros les parece simplemente distinto y una gran parte dicen sin pararse a escuchar has been sold, which is the easiest option.
Well, within this classical solution we have Josele Santiago that after leaving Enemies still singing like ass, but now closer to jazz, swing and a very distinctive singer-songwriters. Can be excruciating, but for the one you like is fine. (Until you get tired ...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHN9oRVFKjo&feature=related
I personally suggest Le Punk, which can be boring but they are also pretty good. Just released its third album ("Kill"), that play entirely in http://www.myspace.com/lepunkmadrid if you give yourself a hurry ... and if not, I'll have to wait bajároslo. Good lyrics, touches of tango, swing and cabaret thrown but increasingly more pop. Of the 13 songs are at least 4 very good ... I think.
Before this are two: "The lodge of the scoundrel" (the first and best) and "Do not shoot the pianist" who has good songs even though the title can not be more appropriate ...
Now that he has finally reached the promised level and never reached is Albert Pla : it is much too early to say but "The difference" may be his best album. Follow Got Fingered and asshole just with the media (where a large part of its charm) but has left at least two interviews with some sense: it
written and is talking on the agenda of Andy Chango on Radio 3 with versions of the songs live.
(... Andy Chango, of course, still very far from promising musical level as a character- http://www.youtube .com / watch? v = fepJiKlzuPg & feature = related - and never, never, ever achieved. The latest album, as always, a chestnut. To continue with the radio and direct.
"I know this has nothing to do with rock, urban or not, but it was not me who killed him ... feel, kids-)
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