in cinema (and I mean the classic American film, the film's biggest stars, movies from the golden age of the studies, ie, movies) always prestige have had champagne, martinis and whiskey. Martinis, champagne and drank it guys elegant as Fred Astaire, William Powell, Maurice Chevalier or Agent 007 girls when they left to conquer, that is, at all times. Asking these things because they were men with style and because they knew they were the favorite drinks of the most fashionable girls screen as Marilyn as Natalie or Audrey . (Speaking of Audrey and guys with style, you probably know that David Larrabee he tore his ass with a glass of champagne I had in my back pocket when he went to his romantic date with Audrey on the tennis court your home. Now that's be smart and not mine, I almost tore the ass when I fell in the middle of a bush while he was eating berries along the fence of a field). Champagne and martini, are beverages that exude sensuality by each and every one of the chemical bonds in their molecules, but instead the whiskey is not a suitable drink for conquest. The guys drink when alone or when the girl who accompanies them give a shit. The whiskey is a thing of Bogart and tough guys of the western. With the grab good whiskey Dean Martin in Rio Bravo or Lee Marvin in any movie that comes to mind you.
Champagne, martinis and whiskey, yes, but what about beer? Who drank beer in Hollywood films gold? So if you want to know the truth, nobody or almost nobody. Very few. Perhaps the reason is that this is a drink that has always been very little glamor . We were all once in a while with friends at the bar across the street for taking a glass of beer and a skewer of tortilla or a lid of anchovies in vinegar. Reality butt. But as between our everyday boredom, our cane daily and Telecinco reality shows we have plenty of realism, when we looked at the film (and I mean the classic American film, the film's biggest stars, etc., etc.) No we feel like see stories of guys that are linked to the cashier the day in a seedy nightclub, despite the redundancy, while drinking a can of Mahou five stars. We want champagne, martinis and whiskey. And while it is true that today's youngsters are more used than before (some more than others, yes) to the small producer champagnes, the balls of malt whiskey and cocktails Le Cabrera , it is also that from time to time, especially when we do not look Weirdo, we give an overview of the beer and pickled anchovies.
So I look for the big movie of beer. A film in which, for example, has a murky crime place in a brewery, or a story of passionate love is consummated in a barley field, or who has a fun adventure that leads to the players for the wooden tables of the breweries of Ghent or Antwerp. I look and find nothing. But as I will not give up so soon, recess expectations a bit and decide to settle for films in which the beer, although not the main star, it has a certain role or at least a brief moment of glory.

beer sometimes shown as a symbol of friendship and camaraderie. In the movie Shawshank Redemption , the reward Tim Robbins asks his jailer for helping him save taxes for an amount of money he had received from his brother by way of inheritance, is to take a bottle of beer outside with his fellow prisoners. Cigarettes and beer on the terrace. It is a magnificent scene, but I, given the choice, I probably stick with that of Hunter in which a group of friends gather in a pub to celebrate who go to war in Vietnam and never again to be together as they are at that time. By the way, also celebrate the bachelor party of one of them, playing pool, drinking beer and singing " Can not take my eyes off you "as loud.
But it's so difficult to find examples that I'm away from the Hollywood classic. I return to it because if it is beer, there is a movie that I can not forget: The Quiet Man . John Ford , Irish beer, songs and punches. Ford's heroes do drink beer. A good pitcher is what prompted John Wayne the waiter, after crossing the desert in Three sponsors. I guess it's the same as you and I would ask if we entered a bar after walking across the Arizona desert. Also
drinking beer in Judgement at Nuremberg , a film that has a scene that I love and I will proclaim my scene as "beer" favorite of all time. The judges met for drinks after a session of the process that has proven particularly hard. In the bar are the prosecutor, who seems to have drunk too much, "Excuse " - says, - " have taken one or two drinks too many, as you have noticed with disgust. I'm sorry but the show this afternoon with Mr. Petersen has taken away my appetite . "There comes a waiter with more beer. The prosecutor ( Richard Widmark) lifts a glass, looks with admiration and says before giving a sip: "Good beer . They do good in this country ... Hare, Hunter, Field ... Let's be fair. The hunter shot the hare in the field. It is very simple. There is no Nazi Germany, would not you know, Judge? The Eskimos invaded Germany and took it. It was not the fault of the Germans, no. were those damn Eskimos. "
In 1948 took place at the Nuremberg trials. While in a process that embarrassed the entire world judged the leaders of the Third Reich, in other trials was parallel to the dock to officials, soldiers and judges who administer justice in Nazi Germany. Judges sit on the bench is a good topic for a movie, and so in 1961, Stanley Kramer produced and directed Judgement at Nuremberg subtitled in Spain with the absurd name of Judgement at Nuremberg .
Judgement at Nuremberg has never been considered a great film by the critics. Good yes, but not exceptional. At best, conventional and entertaining film, supported by great performances, where the director just adds nothing to the development of history. I, however, I disagree. For me, yes it is an exceptional movie. A dash of classical structure results in a film that, despite its long duration as it unfolds almost entirely in one scenario, it is very entertaining. But it is also a brave film that gets wet and constitutes an indictment against those who merely "following orders" or turned to look the other way, because ultimately "us, what could we do?"

For Kramer were two essential names: Spencer Tracy for the role of judge, and Montgomery Clift as a prosecutor in the process. With Spencer Tracy were not too many problems. He read the script, reached an agreement with their fees and signed the contract. But Montgomey Clift, things were not going to be so simple. They had Angel Fernández Santos in one of his memorable reviews of The Country:
" Clift was at the peak of his career and the edge of the abyss of your life more. A few years earlier, a car accident had shattered his face, which had to rebuild every inch. His character is sullen and sour darkened again, and took him to the border of suicide everyday. But Clift's equipped with a strong hold of yourself, succeeded in giving a sharp turn to his career, turned upside down like a sack to his method of creating characters, and the haze of alcohol and Nembutal, when no and gave a penny for his career, made three great performances in Suddenly, Last Summer of Mankiewicz, The River Wild of Kazan, and The Misfits of Huston. Kramer
Clift located in a cache anonymous Puerto Rico and sent the script, asking him to be interested by the ubiquitous character of the prosecutor, on whose interpretation would pay $ 100,000. Then came one of the actor's unspeakable silences, punctuated by a newspaper clipping where it is localized stinking drunk in a corner, or beaten to the door of a shack, tangled in the intricacies of the sale of dark love.
Clift few weeks later emerged from the underground and made before the offer crazy Kramer stunned I did not want to play the lead, had actors like Richard Widmark, whose character as they came to, but instead was interested in a character episodic Petersen, a Jew by the Nazis castrated testifying in court. Would this character with two conditions: that the scene was shot in continuity and that he was not paid even one dollar for it.

Is this the best possible definition of the brilliant scene, full of violence and restraint, in which Clift, almost perfectly still, playing only his face Kafkaesque scared and makes a display of sound use silence, and he communicates with his eyes pain, wonder, innocence, trembling, in a state of complete purity and total disaster.
In seven minutes, Clift gave the future the essence of a perfect art and state of grace. Just seven minutes were enough to set a technical marvel of inspiration embodied in a torrential. Only seven minutes to Clift, without receiving a penny, took possession of the glory of the film. "
The judge, as we have said, it was Spencer Tracy. And there were also a fury Burt Lancaster, who threw fire from his eyes, Richard Widmark, assuming the role of extra tax had rejected Clift; Judy Garland , ofreciendo una interpretación conmovedora mientras intentaba sobrevivir a sus adicciones, a sus crisis nerviosas y a sus problemas personales, y Marlene Dietrich , deslumbrando todavía a sus sesenta años con su caída de ojos. Pero, además, estaba Montgomery Clift, quien escribió durante siete minutos una de las páginas más bellas del arte de la interpretación.
Esos siete minutos constan de dos partes. En la primera, el fiscal le interroga hasta concluir que fue condenado a ser esterilizado, que realmente lo había sido y que la sentencia fue firmada por algunos de los jueces que se encuentran ahora sentados en el banquillo. En la segunda, el abogado defensor (Maximilian Schell), takes over the interrogation and goes to the witness:
Advocate: - "Mr. Petersen, you said that the Court of Stuttgart he asked two questions: the dates of birth of Hitler and Goebbels. Is not that right? "
Petersen: -" Yes, indeed "
D: -" What else would you ask? "
P: -" Nothing. "
D: -" Could you tell me, Mr. Petersen, the time went to school? "
P: -" Six years. "
D: -" Six years?, why was not more? "
P: -" I had get to work. "
D: -" Would you say you are a good student in school? "
P: -" What school? It's been so long I do not know ... "
D: -" Perhaps you were not able to follow the others and so ... why not continue. "
P: - (No answer)
D: - "Were you able or not you were able to follow the others?"
P: - (No answer)
D: - "I will refer to the report on Mr. Petersen fought for their own school and was not able to progress transferred to a class for mentally retarded. "(Now turning to Mr. Petersen):" Does you that their parents died a natural death? "
P: -" Yes "
D: -" Would you describe in detail the disease that killed his mother? "
P: -" Died of heart. "
D : - "In the last stages of his illness," her mother showed signs of some mental peculiarity? "
P: -" Mental? No, no. "
D: -" In the report received from Stuttgart that his mother has suffered from hereditary mental weakness. "
P: - (very upset)" That is not, that's not true, not true, is not truth. "
D: -" So can you give us an explanation why the Health Council inherited Stuttgart reached its conclusion. "
P: -" That was just something that was told to get on the operating table. "
D: -" If only it was something they said. "
P: - "Yes"
D: - "Mr. Petersen was a simple test that used the Health Council in cases of mental retardation. Since you say you did not then, maybe I could do now: make a sentence with the words hare, hunter, field. Take the time you want. "
P: -" Hare, bah! ... Hare .... Hunter .... Agreed and when, when I did enter the court as agreed. And agreed (shouting). I went into the hospital like a criminal. Nothing I could say. Nothing I could do. ... I had to stay there. My ... my mother, how about my mother? She was a woman, a maid who worked at all hours, a woman who works tirelessly and is not what they are saying it. Ah, yes, I want to show it. Here I have his picture. I would like to see. I would like you to judge. I ask that you tell me if she was mentally retarded. My mother, was mentally retarded? Was it? "
D: -" I consider it my duty to point out to the Court that the witness can not govern his mental faculties. "
P: -" I know I can not. Since that day. They made me a shadow of what it was. "
D: -" The Court does not know how you were before, and never know. You have only your word. "
At that time the judge adjourned the meeting.
Hare, Hunter, Field .... No wonder that the prosecutor and the judges need a beer to leave the court. I'm going to take one now. If you are interested I will say that I really like Chimay blue label, and never miss the opportunity to order a bottle of three quarts when I approached the restaurant bar Juanito de Jerez de la Frontera. I love abbey beers, dark and thick, sometimes I buy in the supermarket Carrefour and El Corte Ingles. I like the bitterness of beer Alhambra Reserva 1925, "the forfeiture." I know it's not very original when I say that was at the brewery "U Fleku" of Prague, where I served the richest beer I've ever tasted. I also occasionally like to drink a pint of stout in a pub in Ireland. In Madrid, when I walk through the area, I like to approach the Tavern The Ardosa to take a glass of beer and a skewer of roasted potato omelette. Sometimes I am lonely and I mess with canapés tomato and anchovy, with the gazpacho, with the roe and croquettes. And then ask for another glass of beer.
no longer think of anything else to say. I reread what was written as a comment and I think film is like a pass, but as an article devoted to beer has been quite painful. Well, what can we do? Is it because I've never been brewing since there is no doubt that the subject is much more of himself. In any case, let's drink up together this post, because even a glass of beer can not be compared with a glass of wine, from time to time too fancy.
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