Thirty years ago, for me to eat tripe was normal, especially on weekends. Thus, in the snack bar where we drank, we were offered delicious-small chicken gizzards, elastic, with garlic and chilli, with onion blood, kidneys, white wine, beef and living lambs that died prematurely, sun-dried with ratatouille, and cap from the house. If we decided to ask a serving, it was not unusual that we chose a zarajos, brain or liver breaded with tomato.
Until recently, no one has taken haute cuisine recipes or sophisticated as France has done, cook the tripe was rather the result of economic necessity: in a poor area and was Castilla la Vieja and in particular La Mancha, you could not throw anything. Prosperity, even at a time as complicated as the end of the first decade of the century, the offal has been removed from our diet and just take a walk through any supermarket to check. The spoils are not part of the dishes served in canteens or in the daily menus of gourmet restaurants, everyday reality, and only a few dishes such as tripe or ear, survive in the traditional bars.
retrospect, one might think that we ate tripe by a mere question support. Nothing is further from reality, in many cases were the dishes on Sunday. Among all remember two particularly enthusiastic about my family, pig's feet-a recipe, it is true, faded that used in my house, and roasted lamb's head, which always seemed unapproachable for those were not hungry, they were insensitive or did not feel genuine devotion to the cuisine. For what is more disgusting than eating the head of an animal we're looking at the eyes, foggy that these have become?
lamb's head is a compendium of tripe, eyes, brains, gelatinous corners of the forehead, tongue and jaw wonderful, sensational bite when they separate cleanly from the bone and slightly resistant to the tooth, toasted tasty. The recipe has no mystery, just cut into hemispheres, blanched in boiling water a few seconds, giving them a light coat of oil, add minced garlic, white wine, a hit of vinegar and finally, parsley. The so what we had in the oven, sometimes with a bed of potatoes underneath. Hand and we had returned them smell caramelized and firewood would share the most precious and pure family hierarchy. While potatoes soaked in the juice sudan heads, white wine and vinegar were no small feat. Today
tripe again. Returns in other ways, in Asian restaurants and haute cuisine: either the influence of French haute cuisine - foie , sweetbreads, marrow-, as well as trends in avant-garde haute cuisine why call tripe when say trash can cooking -. In the home is not so easy to educate a child who normally eats meat sticks hake and Choice to accept a brain, should be a Herculean task, unless there is something else at the table. Asian immigrants are the ones who are making tripe shops viable as wonderful as those that still exist in the market Tetuan, Madrid.
This is not to be an exercise in nostalgia, people eat what they want and the globalization of cuisine, especially influenced by a lifestyle in which hardly cook at home inevitably leads us to this. For almost everyone who can choose, if you have money, it is easier to put on the sirloin table involved. It is foolish to blow against the wind. Just try to remember that these remains we offer the ability to navigate through seas of different textures, gelatinous, morbid. Intense flavors and different. When I choose a fish on the table, never let them take the head in their caves are the most precious snacks.
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