(Chronicle of the Tavern dining Arzábal)

Programs that are interrupted every sixty minutes with time signals, with the national anthem and the newsletter. Radio stations, including song and newsletter, helped us to evade the roll of administrative law and vulgarity in a country dominated by the irritating stupidity of a leader of the balls with a program in which the disc-jockeys pricked songs we liked and which since then have continued with us.
Programs jazz in which you could hear songs like Georgia on my mind , Summertime, It do not mean a thing or Potato Head Blues. What a great song, Potato Head Blues! Fantastic! Guys who say they know this is one of those songs that marked the beginning of a new era of music. And while the same is said of many other songs, this time it's true, I swear. This song is a journey through the history of jazz, jazz history. It is the masterpiece of a musician who was able to synthesize in three minutes all the sounds that a child was listening to the streets of New Orleans. Sounds can be found the crying baby in the monotony of a leaky faucet in traffic noise or a bird singing as the sun's rays make their way through the clouds. Pace. Pace. The sound of a trumpet. Things that are not taught in school. Discs of 45 revolutions per minute. Jewels. All Louis Armstrong lyrics are good, but this is exceptional. So exceptional that Woody Allen considers it one of the ten things that makes life worth living. What what are the other nine? Let's see if I can remember: Groucho Marx, of course, the second movement of the Jupiter Symphony ; sentimental education of Flaubert , Those incredible apples and pears, Cezanne ; Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra ; Seafood Sam Wo , some Swedish films and Tracy's face. Tracy is Mariel Hemingway. Woody Allen is Isaac and is now lying on a couch talking to a tape recorder. Suddenly, you hear the music of George Gershwin (though not tell Woody, also worth living to hear the music of Gershwin), and jumps up to run out and look for Tracy:
- What are you doing here?
- Well, I ran. He intentado llamarte por teléfono pero comunicabas, así que lo dejé después de dos horas. Luego no he encontrado taxi y he venido corriendo. ¿A dónde vas?
- A Londres.
- ¿Te vas a Londres ahora? ¿Quieres decir que si tardo dos minutos más estarías camino de Londres?
- Sí.
- Pues deja que vaya derecho al grano. Creo que no deberías ir. Que cometí un grave error y que yo preferiría que no fueras.
- ¡Oh, Isaac!
- Ya sé. Ya sé que he hecho muy mal las cosas, pero escucha: ¿te estás viendo con alguien?, ¿sales con alguien?
- No.
- Pero, ¿tú sigues queriéndome o ya se te ha pasado?
- Dios mine. Suddenly surges. Do not call me and suddenly. What happened to the woman you met?
- Well, I'll explain. I do not go with it. Let's say I was wrong. What can I say. So. I do not think you should go to London.
- But I have to go. I have my plans made. Everything is ready. My parents are there looking for a place where I can live.
- Go! But you still love me or what?
- Do you love me?
- Yes, yes. That is precisely. Do you understand?
- Do you know that I turned eighteen the other day?
- Really?
- I am an adult, but I'm still a kid.
- are not so young. Eighteen years! You could even join the military. Yes, in some countries could. Hey, you're very pretty.
- I did a lot of damage.
- not on purpose. You see, I was .... It was all my stupid way of looking at things.
- Well, come back in six months.
- Six months? Are you kidding? "Six months you will be out?
- We've waited until now. What is six months if we still want?
- Hey, do not be so mature do you want? Six months is too long. Six months! And you will be working in the theater, actors and directors. Go the study and treated with all these people, have lunch with them and ... emotions are created. Without wishing thou shalt go into the environment. Change, and within six months will be a completely different person.
- "And do not want to go through that experience? As recently that told me the opposite.
- Yes, I know, but you could ... Well, I dunno, would not that I like so much you change.
- I have to take the plane.
- Ah, come on, come on! You can not go, Tracy.
- Why did not this appearance last week? Six months is not much. And not everyone is corrupt. You must have a little faith in people.
Isaac, looks and smiles sadly. And with that smile so sad, Woody Allen tells us that his character has finally understood that they actually have to have a little faith in people. Other directors need to ten minutes or half an hour to explain this. Some do not or would get ten hours or ten lives they had. Woody Allen is enough to make a smile. Seldom has said what a great actor he is. He can not speak of himself, of course, but I think for many people, the films of Woody Allen are in the top ten list of things that makes life worth living.
Al grain. Said when I saw the face of Segurola was first back in 1996 when Canal Plus bought the rights to broadcast in Spain in the NBA and hired Andrés Montes for storytelling. There was still some time to appear around a young man named Coldstream Montes and formed with a partner who was able to gather in front of thousands of late-night TV a few hours until then seemed to be reserved exclusively to the Chuck Norris ad in teleshopping. When alternate presenters appeared we were going to bed without even asking who was playing that night, but if they were Montes and Coldstream who narrated the match we stayed to see what it was, and so, as the flight number 23 took off from Chicago airport bound for a new NBA ring, the spectators we spent them listening pipe Van Morrison songs as Caravan , including the fabulous album It's too late to stop now, or listening to the couple tell the story of Pumpkin's club , chronicles cinematographic films featuring the genius of sensitivity called Steven Seagal or comments dining on the worst Italian restaurant history, which, incidentally, seems to be located in the city of Detroit.
But before he reached Coldstream, there was Segurola, maintaining and making the type face and voice to a sensible sport. A smart guy and serene writing in the newspaper El Pais and had been able to bring their sports pages something as rare as the clarity of view, a prose accompanied by some creative and literary quality. In short, the never seen before in the English media. Eighties were good years for the newspaper El Pais. Sunday morning. First we have to order a little remains of the bloodless battle of the night before and then to the street to buy the newspaper, churros and bread.
- churros Yuck!
- bread Yuck!
- news Yuck!
- Hey, pass me the country.
wrote on the last page Fidalgo Feliciano, a brilliant interviewer, in a section called Gas Light as Cukor film (that of Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer), and as in the film, getting questions make us doubt our reasoning, our belief, our good sense, our perception of reality. Feliciano used to send every week a full interview direct questions: brief, formal beauty and a precise meaning. Lit his gas, and showed you a different way of approaching things. Also taught me to start reading the newspaper in the last page, which I do since then, as if expecting to meet again with an interview with him. Well, it also taught me Manuel Vazquez Montalban, who on the last page of El Pais the same analyzed the crisis of the left (when the left still exist and could, for t anto, afford have a crisis), lamented the departure of Figo to Real Madrid or give us references of a new magazine called police and Gimlet and mystery, and by the way, we revealed the secret formula combined: "A no IMlet g try to change the world if ever aspires to help contemplate leisurely but relentlessly, as provided Marlowe victims and executioners around him. Masters and slaves. Victims and perpetrators. These truths will be referred back through the filter of a glass eye Gimlet: 1 / 3 lemon 2 / 3 of gin, 2 drops of absinthe, 1 / 2 tablespoon sugar, ice, a slice of lemon, served in narrow glass. "Indispensable the slice of lemon.
If we start with the last page, then in the penultimate, we expected Tecglen Eduardo Haro, the boy Republican, speaking of theater, television or what felt like that day. And Ángel Fernández Santos, another of this collection of journalists, scholars, educated and smart, saying that movies sometimes are much more than a story. What are emotions that can only be touched with the fingertips of the heart, as they say Joaquín Sabina or Corin Tellado , who knows. Sports are not those you could jump, because there Segurola addition, the teacher Julio César Iglesias was putting its name to the Quinta del Vulture. Then there was magic in the sports pages of The Country and magic on the pitch at the Bernabeu. As a correspondent in London (also passed through New York and Rome, where he befriended Paloma Gómez Borrero tifoso and Inter Milan) was a young man named Enrique González .
of chronic parliamentary dealt Luis Carandell , author of Celtiberia Show and man to start a news reciting a sonnet by Lope de Vega. Bull wrote Joaquín Vidal, a wonderful writer who got us to read with interest your reviews even those who maintain a patently hostile attitude towards the party. Joaquin Vidal was another great columnist of the last page, but suddenly one day started writing bull and that was the god. To serve as an example, we will transcribe a fragment of one of his chronicles. It refers to an event that took place in the Plaza de Almeria on August 24, 1979. Were dealt bulls from the ranch of Don Felipe Bartolome by Miguel Ruiz righties , Damaso González and Macandro .
Chronicle read: "Pilar sour Lora prepared a stew of potatoes and meat, spicy taste tantico grandfather. Ramonero embodiment, for herself and her three sisters, needle blade, they learned to do in other coastal lands is Andalusia, which is fried as well. Antonio Llorca asked his wife to a mullet browned simply grilled with salt well, he would take care of you by surprise, and led the Bulls in a plastic bag would not open until it was hour, half prawn and three quarters of Norway lobster, which cost a fortune, but it was worth.
Desserts were not lacking, either in these families or in none. At the barrier, John Archer, of Roquetas, unpacked a box of delights here - the most requested were a tocinitos of heaven - and made the appropriate passes to the relatives and the wife, who guluzmearon a pleasure. Beside him, a hack of Italians who were around Almeria and took the opportunity to go to the bulls, looked with envy candy, but its local neighbors, as generous as they are, they should not realize, because they were offered. It is also true that the Italians did not provide pure Juan Toscani long, black, retorcidillos and tasty, from which they supply, as observed.
Mean snack time was the best of the run. In the stands, steep boots, lovingly tempted, and everyone ate upon it. Who is into organizing the show things you always wondered if the pause half-hour dining, and I said no, that can be more or less, depending on what it takes to eat the snack the president. And indeed, President snack as a child of God who is and heir of his glory. What I feel is unable to report what you ate yesterday and how, then, simply I did not see. However, I did see that returning to the stage very happy and courageous, to face what was left of racing. The same audience. And if you authority and spectators during the first part had shown their generosity and enthusiasm, in the second, with a full stomach, optimism was even greater.
Great party, in short, the Plaza de Almeria, all day yesterday and overflowing joy in the stands, and so it should be noted before discussing what happened in the ring. Because what happened was worthwhile. That is, before and after tea, there was nothing . "
Wonderful. I like to play some other time of Don Joaquin, but for reasons of space, for another day in the history of Halter quarrelsome and asesinadita bull case. Santiago Amon was the art critic and reflected on the role of critics: "To whom is the" art critic "? What the artists themselves?, How a minority, in possession of the keys to the riddle? Did addresses itself? "Fernando Lazaro Carreter put the dart in the word to alert us to continually put firecrackers in the foundation of our language: " hear you, after the break the game does not restart, but resumed." Firms Casual García Márquez, Vargas Llosa, Savater, Muñoz Molina ... has been a long time. Many have died. Others have left the newspaper. I write fast and forget a few. Segurola is now in the Mark
... I do not know what he requested in Arzábal Segurola, or if you liked the site. We take anchovies, artichokes fried patties, fried eggs with truffles, barbels of hake, a stew of pigeon with wine sauce, cheeses and sweets. And we liked everything. You eat well in the Tavern Arzábal.
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