In 2002 or 2003, I do not remember, Woody Allen directed "Melinda and Melinda," a film in which some friends meet for dinner after attending the funeral of a friend who just died of a heart attack just after taking an electrocardiogram which gave a perfect result. After dinner, after dinner, they begin to discuss issues ranging and profound. Discuss whether the essence of life is tragic or comic, whether in fact there is nothing inherently funny about the terrible facts of existence or, on the contrary, everything is so absurd that in the end we have no choice but to laugh anything. Argue over whether people are surrounded by graceful, beautiful and funny that we always offer the chance to face everyday problems with a smile, or if there are only two categories of people: the horrible and the miserable (in the words of Woody the horrible are the terminally ill, blind and disabled, while all others are miserable.) This discussion leads them to tell the same story from two points of view: a woman suddenly appears at a dinner of friends and his presence ends up affecting the lives of their hosts in a tragic or comic, as you look, depending on how you count. To me this movie I liked. I'm not saying you reach the enormous height of the best comedies of Woody, because then we would be talking about that could be compared to the best films made in the last forty years and we must not exaggerate, but I think an original storyline, complex, witty and fun. But, hey, if you have not seen the movie and I liked it, we will not discuss why, have had enough trouble here for saying that some films like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. I mention only because it was the last movie that Woody made in New York before leaving for a long time to roll out, first to London and then to Barcelona with Vicky and Cristina.
"Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" is not up to it, even remotely, of the masterpieces of the genius of New York. Nor is the level of his early comedies more carefree and light movies while not paying much attention to aspects that can be considered essential to defining a quality film style, then at least they are characterized by a succession of great and funny gags which showed a sense of humor typical and unmistakable. In short: if we say that we talk about film "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" is a movie dull and disappointing, lacking the extraordinary clarity and creativity, intimate and close, that Woody Allen brings out every time he walks by the camera City skyscrapers. If we talk about other things such as travel performed by actors (the ones here and those beyond) in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen we say that in our opinion, the film shows a superficial and frivolous of the Mediterranean capital, tourists own vision clumsy and disinterested observers equipped with the prospect smart shrewd and subtle Woody has been used for many years. Some have blamed the defects of age-related problems. It is possible and logical. Others argue that Woody is diminished when leaving Manhattan (which must have some truth as well, as was enough to replant the camera on the streets of Greenwich Village to the thing working again in the splendid "Whatever Works" , pun intended.) Maybe it's just that you can not right every time. But, well, not give you more turns, as the only reason to relocate two paragraphs talking about Woody Allen is that his movie "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" has inspired us to choose the title of our article today: "Leo, Leo, Barcelona." Ingenious, right? Leo

This team has ensured that the club has regained its pride and show that far from unbearable victimhood, typical of the era and Gaspart Núñez, who became an affected group of persecution mania, eternally depressed and unable to generate joy to their fans, who always resented this and that is vented Guruceta speaking, the body of blood, of Philip II, of Franco, his wife The necklaces or wife Thirds of Flanders, in a permanent state of mosqueo, devoted themselves to hide their condition proclaimed second-rate team than a club and throwing pig heads to court: Aquest any, either!, Aquest any, either!
But some years ago, under the chairmanship of a mediocre character aspiring liberator of Catalonia, Barcelona has taken a path that soon led him to become the world's happiest team (besides the better, naturally). To make matters worse my friends assure me that this joy Catalans will not be temporary and is here to stay. I say that Barcelona is now discussed in some signings and quarry. Every time they care less other teams (that's not arrogance, is the ability to recognize the value, although this is in your own home) and every time they speak more than fantasy and beauty. Yo, what can I say, although I admit without hesitation that the club is now the best team in the world, I console myself that the big club in the history of football has always been the Real Madrid and that this will not change the simple fact that continues for a few years this lucky streak of our dear rivals. Enjoy it. We recognize that you have every right to boast world. Meanwhile, do not underestimate the undisputed Barca self-destructive capacity. And if it takes to take effect, let us hope that research to create the Madrid gene initiated at the request of Doctor Bacterio Florentino soon give its fruit, so that when you least expect can be heard at the premises of the farmhouse Messi Xavi and Iniesta three voices singing the beautiful hymn of the young man, to the astonishment of Guardiola and the rest of the squad. If this does not work, and only going to get the appeal of sailing to Santa Rita. That or football fans American. Leo

Y Barcelona Barcelona is, of course, but I will not say much of anything. I have filled a folio on both sides and the pen I have been out of ink. Besides writing would not know not to give further insight superficial and frivolous than Woody. I'll just say I've had the opportunity to visit in a few days where the locals had left en masse, leaving it to the tourists so that they take care of her. We could walk through neighborhoods like little busy and some other adorned by lots of immigrants who do not appear to represent any element of discord, but rather integration. We have traveled up and down the Ramblas, longing for a little time in which like a street instead of rush hour trains at the station on Avenida de America. We have found people friendly and hospitable, for once, it seemed more concerned with feeling proud of their city and team that highlight the many absurd quarrels that sometimes we get caught everybody. We climbed mountains and seen the sea. We have put purple slices of bread with oil, tomatoes and salt. We ate well, though not in Casa Leopoldo. We like Barcelona.
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