Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Sugest The Cllage Festname

Videos by artists of the twentieth century

video creations of the avant-garde artists of the twentieth century . In this site can download them for free his works. AVI or. MPG. A good video library for anyone who wants to enter the world of video art.

Artists: Vito Acconci

Erik Anderson Robert Ashley Beth B

John Baldessari

Otmar Bauer Samuel Beckett David Behrman

Joseph Beuys
Jorge Luis Borges Walerian Borowczyk

Brakhage George Brecht, James Broughton

Luis Buñuel
Robert Breer Gunter Brus

William S. Burroughs John Cage

Alexander Calder John Cale

Peter Campus
According to Henri Chopin Chomón
Cinema of Transgression

Carlfriedrich Claus Rene Clair Jean Cocteau

Merce Cunningham Guy Debord

Maya Jean-Marie Drotar
Marcel Duchamp
Viking Eggeling
Ed Emshwiller
Harun Farocki Jean Epstein

Flux Films Richard Foreman Terry Fox

Alberto Giacometti
Paul Glabicki
Philip Glass
Jack Goldstein
Groupe Medvedkine
Helmut Herbst Piero
Henry Hills
Abbie Hoffman
Isidore Isou
M Henry Jones, Mauricio Kagel

Richard Kern
Raashan Roland Kirk
Dimitri Kirsanov
Paul and Marlene Kos
Kurt Kren
Jerzy Kučiai
Jacques Lacan

George Landow Fernand Leger John Lennon

Alfred Leslie
György Ligeti Alvin Lucier

Willard Maas, George Maciunas

Gregory Markopoulos Toshio Matsumoto

Paul McCarthy Marie Mencken, László Moholy-Nagy

Jon Moritsugu Robert Morris

Frank Otto Muehl Gordon Mumma

Mathais Muller, Bruce Nauman

Phil Niblock Hermann Nitsch

Pauline Oliveros Yoko Ono

Nam June Paik Charlemagne Palestine

Artavazd Pelechian
Kembo Pfahler

Robert Rauschenberg Man Ray Hans Richter

Terry Riley David Rimmer
Donald Ritchie
Jeri Cain Rossi Walter Ruttmann

Aram Saroyan Carolee Schneeman

Richard Serra

Jack Smith Kiki Smith Robert Smithson

Ladislaw Starewicz

Ralph Steiner Jerry Tartaglia Shuji Terayama

Robert Watts
David Wojnarowicz
Stan Vanderbeek Agnes Varda

Ben Vautier Edgard Varese & Le Corbusier Dziga Vertov

Rene Vienet
Zubi Zuva


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